Local Notes

Essays, news, opinions and comments about Evanston concerns.
These news items are contributed by SEA board members.  Really want to dig? Check out the city’s portal, which contains the most up to date information and even attendance at meetings!


SEA Board Letter to the Editor: Gambling in Evanston


Council Members of the Evanston Human Services Committee, 

As board members of the Southeast Evanston Association (SEA), we are writing to  convey our deep concerns regarding the proposal to introduce video gaming machines into our community.  

The proliferation of video gaming, often in less visible sections of public venues such as restaurants and bars, presents a regulatory challenge that can lead to unchecked  gambling practices. 

Overwhelming evidence from numerous academic studies on this issue compel us to  highlight the potential for severe financial and emotional harm stemming from  compulsive engagement with these machines. The addictive nature of video gaming  can ensnare individuals in a cycle of dependency with far-reaching consequences.  Particularly to the most vulnerable Evanstonians, including children. 

The presence of video gaming machines in establishments frequented by families  poses a notable risk to young individuals. Despite legal restrictions on age, the  accessibility of these machines in establishments that permit minors increases the  likelihood of exposure to gambling activities among children.  

The prospect of generating revenue through video gaming is weighed against the moral and social costs. We contend that the potential negative impacts on our community’s fabric and values far surpass any short-term fiscal advantages. The reliance on gambling-derived income is a precarious foundation for community development, fraught with ethical concerns and the potential for long-term harm. 

In light of these considerations, the SEA Board strongly urges the Evanston Human  Services Committee to VOTE NO on the forthcoming video gaming measure.  


The Southeast Evanston Association Board